4 Keys to the Wedding Florist Logo

By Ryan ONeil

As a florist, your logo communicates who you are and what your business is. Everything from the font to the style of the emblem to the layout. As you develop your logo, you are establishing a brand that your clients can connect with and, more importantly, a brand that feels similar to the brands they already trust. It's so important that clients have a consistent brand experience from your wedding florist website to your floral software for proposals.

As you aim to develop a visual identity that is as unique as you are and market your business, keep these 4 keys to the wedding florist logo in mind. 

Key 1: Simple

Far too often, businesses--especially small businesses--try to develop a unique logo by making it busier than it needs to be. They add a variety of visual elements that may look good, but do not help distinguish them from every other business on the block. Often, the busier the logo, the less professional it looks and the more likely potential clients are to turn away before ever seeing the quality of product that can be delivered.

Logos should be kept clean and simple in order to be recognizable, timeless, and versatile. When a logo is simple and memorable, people can easily recall what it represents, which is key to surviving in such a competitive market. 

This logo from Brianna of Fox & Fern Floral is an excellent example of how elegant a simple design can be.

Simple Florist Logo

Key 2: Versatile

You'll want to use this logo multiple places. One of your tasks should be to identify every place your logo will be used. Every. Single. Place. Business cards? Website? Your wedding florist software proposals? Pull up your note app or a sheet of paper and list these out. Your final design should be legible in the smallest and largest of presentations. A logo that is too vertical or horizontal will become difficult to read when enlarged or reduced in size. It doesn’t matter how amazing your logo looks if it cannot be easily seen. 

This logo from Hannah Walker's Bride and Bloom is a great example of versatility as the emblem can be easily used and recognized in every format, even images as small as a favicon.

Versatile Florist Logo.pngTo ensure versatility, a logo should be designed in vector format. This will ensure that the logo can be scaled to any size without compromising image quality. A good tip is to use Adobe Illustrator to design your logo, not Photoshop. 

Worried that your new logo might not be very versatile? Download our logo checklist to analyze everywhere it might go before it's designed!

Download Our Logo Placement Planning Guide

Key 3: Style Matches Your Target Audience

When Rachael and I started Twisted Willow, we hired a professional branding company to develop our first logo. They created an absolutely beautiful logo design that fit the initial clients we worked with. As we began to shifr our company focus, it connected less with the higher-end clientele, which was where our company was going. It was time for an overhaul of this florist’s logo. The new logo, on the right, immediately allowed Rachael to start connecting with the clients she wanted.

example of wedding florist logo before and afterEvery aspect of your wedding florist logo needs to be geared towards your target audience. If your target audience members are high-end brides, your florist logo should not include overly bright colors, a “fun” font, or an emblem that screams “DIY.” However, if your goal is to help clients with more intimate budgets develop beautiful floral arrangements for their special day, you may be able to have a logo that is a bit more whimsical. Whatever your target audience, it is important to know what design elements will resonate with them before you develop your logo.

Key 4: Single Color

Keeping your logo to a single color forces you to look at the effectiveness of the overall concept and shape of your logo rather than considering how much “better” it would look in a different color. This is the ultimate test of a logo’s strength and versatility. 
A good logo will also use negative space as a type of additional color to keep the design interesting and dynamic. While the logo can use multiple colors, the core shape should still lead to looking great in situations where only one color can be used. This means the logo should be very carefully designed to make sure its detail does not disappear on smaller screens. Having a single-colored logo prepares you for one-color printing for business cards, letterhead, packaging, and black and white copies. It also frees you to create rubber stamps, foil-embossed labels, embroidered merchandise, and laser-cut products.
While you could choose your favorite color or the color of your favorite flower for your florist logo, you need to do anything with caution as certain colors will resonate within different communities and different client demographics than others. The color you choose should be carefully selected to resonate with your target audience and be selected to optimize the level of trust between yourself and potential clients.
This logo from Kris Ann Elario's Fleurtacious Designs is a terrific example of a single-color design that resonates well with their target audience and can be used in a variety of ways.
 Single Color Florist Logo
While developing a logo for florists can be a daunting task, the best logos observe these principles and have seen tremendous success in doing so. Check out these 4 great examples of wedding florist logos to see some of these principles in action.


What is Curate.co? It's a proposal creation software made specifically for florists to help ensure they're making quick, beautiful proposals while still being profitable. We're giving away our Logo Placement Planning Guide to help you consider everywhere your logo may go and maximize your brand exposure.

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Tags: business, Marketing, The Business of Flowers, Tips, Curate

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Full Transcript Below

Ryan O'Neil: [00:00:00] Hey, everybody. Welcome to the next episode of the event driven podcast. It's a podcast delivered to event professionals who want to master different metrics that matter in their business. And we want to bring real world stories from professionals like florist and caters and industry experts.

Topics: business, Marketing, The Business of Flowers, Tips, Curate


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