Curate has moved from being just a florist proposal software for proposals only to an event professional software for studio management. Our new "pipeline" feature is the first major feature to help you keep, not only your events, but your entire studio efficient and professional. It's a flower shop software like never before! So now you can have effective and profitable markups and an efficient studio.
What is pipeline?
In your events tab, pipeline now lists all of your events and includes an event status for each. We have four event statuses: "Inquiry", "Proposal Sent", "Booked", and "Completed." You can see how it looks in the photo above. You can easily limit the list of events to the group that you're working on at the moment. If you'd like to move an event from one category to another, you can drop down the green "action" button and click "edit."

Inside the popup, drop down the status selector to choose what the new status should be.

Templates now have their own home! Anything that you mark as "template" in the event status option will now be accessible at the button on the bottom of the events screen. To use a template, drop down on "action" and click "duplicate."