Printable Wedding Florist Contract Template for Seamless Planning

By Jason McIntosh

You're knee-deep in wedding planning, and it's time to tackle the flowers. But before you start picking out peonies and roses, you need to make sure you and your florist are on the same page. That's where a printable wedding florist contract template comes in clutch.

This handy document is like a bouquet of clarity, ensuring that every petal falls into place without any wilting misunderstandings. Ready to bloom with confidence? Let's dig into why this template is a must-have for your wedding planning toolkit.


Customize Your Free Wedding Florist Contract Template


Table of Contents:

What Is a Wedding Florist Contract Template?

A wedding florist contract template is a game-changer for anyone in the floral and wedding industry. It's a pre-made document that outlines all the essential details of your agreement with the happy couple for their special day. This template saves you time and hassle by providing a solid foundation for your contract. No more starting from scratch or worrying about forgetting crucial information.

Wedding florist contract signingPhoto credit: Romain Dancre

Key Components of a Wedding Florist Contract Template

So, what exactly goes into a florist wedding contract template? First and foremost, it should cover the scope of your services. Your client will be going through a lot of wedding contracts and you need to outline every arrangement and detail you'll be providing for the big day. Next up: payment terms. Your template should clearly state the total cost, your service fee, deposit amount, and due dates for remaining payments. 

Trust me, you don't want any confusion or surprises when it comes to money matters. Cancellation policies are another must-have. Life happens, and sometimes weddings get postponed or called off. Your template should spell out what happens during the contract cancellation scenario including any non-refundable deposits or fees.

Benefits of Using a Wedding Florist Contract Template

Now, you might be thinking, "Why bother with a template? I can just wing it." But let me tell you, a wedding florist contract template is worth its weight in gold. For starters, it ensures you don't miss any important details. 

When you're juggling multiple weddings and clients, it's easy for things to slip through the cracks. A template keeps you organized and on track. Plus, a professional contract template sets the tone for your business. It shows clients that you're serious, prepared, and ready to deliver top-notch service. In an industry as competitive as wedding florals, that can make all the difference.

Essential Elements to Include in Your Wedding Florist Contract Template

Scope of Services

Wedding florist contract templates come in many forms depending on the services or agreements that will be outlined by the florist. The scope of services section is where you really get down to business. This is your chance to outline every single arrangement and detail you'll be providing for the couple's big day which may include: bouquets, boutonnieres, centerpieces, ceremony decor - the works.

Don't be afraid to get specific here. The more detailed you are, the less room there is for misunderstandings or last-minute surprises.

Payment Terms and Schedule

Next up: money talks. Your wedding floral contract template should include a clear breakdown of the total cost, deposit amount, and payment schedule. A non-refundable deposit is recommended to secure the date and cover initial expenses.

Be sure to mention any additional fees for things like delivery, setup, or taxes. You don't want your clients to be caught off guard by hidden costs down the line.

Cancellation Policy

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room: cancellations. No one likes to think about it, but sometimes weddings get postponed or called off entirely. That's why your contract template needs a solid cancellation policy.

Spell out what happens if the couple needs to cancel or reschedule. Will they forfeit their deposit? Are there any additional fees? Having this in writing protects both you and your clients.

Delivery and Setup Details

Delivery and setup might seem like minor details, but trust me - they can make or break a wedding day. Your contract should include the date, time, and location for delivery and setup of all the floral arrangements.

If there are any specific instructions or requirements, make sure those are noted too. The last thing you want is a mix-up or delay on the big day.

 Customize Free Wedding Florist Contract


Limited Liability

A Limited Liability clause is a contract provision that caps the total amount of money that may be awarded to the client in the event that the client sues you. Generally, the cap is the total amount that the client pays you (whether retainer or full amount), but theoretically, it can be any amount.

Limited Liability clauses are good in two scenarios: When you cause a chain reaction of bummers, and when the client is emotionally devastated by your breach of contract.

Like Voltron, a wedding has a lot of independent parts coming together for a common cause. When one part doesn’t do its part, the client can be out a lot of parts….I mean money.

By way of example, let’s say that you are late causing the event schedule to be thrown off by an hour.  As a consequence, the client must pay $5,000 extra to keep all other vendors at the event for an extra hour (think DJs, Photographers, Videographers, etc). The client would have a viable claim for breach of contract and could ask you to pay $5,000. However, if the contract between you and the client is $3,000 and includes a properly drafted Limited Liability clause, the maximum that you would owe to the client for the snafu is $3,000.

Generally, plaintiffs in breach of contract cases are entitled only to specified, identifiable damages. I like to say “there’s no crying in contracts.” However, “Bridezilla Lawsuits” are an exception. Cases across the country support the idea that, because weddings are once in a lifetime occasions, clients may seek alternative theories of recovery and collect greater amounts of damages from vendors. These include ‘emotional distress’ damages.

So, a Limited Liability clause may prevent this, by proclaiming that the deal is an arm’s length transaction with no emotion involved. Like, the same as if you were selling your Jem and the Holograms Blu-Ray to someone on Craigslist.

It's also a good idea to mention your insurance coverage and any limitations. This protects both you and your clients in case of any unexpected issues.

Substitution Policy

Thankfully, flowers aren’t math. Only math is math. In other words, flowers are not an exact science. Depending on the time of year, how the distributor treated them in transport, and a host of other issues, flowers may not be the exact same shade as anticipated. They might not have the same structural integrity from one bunch to the other. This is the nature of the biz. Placing the client on notice that you may make reasonable substitutions based on common problems (think color or shade, quantity, etc) is crucial.

A properly worded Substitution Policy lets the client know that nothing can be absolutely guaranteed, but you will do your best to get the order as exact as possible. This will go a long way to preventing lawsuits. Now, this isn’t to say that you would be allowed to substitute a couple of handfuls of dandelions for 10 arrangements of David Austin Roses. The policy must be such that the accommodations are reasonable, otherwise you run the risk of not really having a contract at all.

Venue Policy Clause

Most venues are not like your old room at your parents’ house. You can’t just barge in, tack your Drake poster on the wall, and expect everyone to be cool with it. Venues can get touchy about their stuff - where arrangements are placed, where décor is hung, or where water-filled vases may sit.

A Venue Policy Clause basically provides that the parties agree that you are obligated to adhere to the policies, guidelines, and prohibitions set forth by the venue where the event takes place. So, if the venue says “don’t sit anything on the Grand Piano” but the client says, “put my dandelions on the Grand Piano,” you can point to your contract’s Venue Policy clause. In other words, the venue’s rules trump what the client wants.

Wedding florists working at a wedding venuePhoto credit: Selycia Yang Photography


How to Customize and Use a Printable Wedding Florist Contract Template

Downloading and Editing the Template

Ready to get started with your wedding florist contract template? The first step is finding a printable version that suits your needs. Look for a template that's easy to customize and edit, like a Word doc or fillable PDF.

Once you've got your hands on a template, it's time to make it your own. Read through each section carefully and adjust the language to reflect your specific business practices and policies.

Filling Out the Contract Details

Now comes the nitty-gritty: filling out all the contract details. This is where you'll input the couple's names, contact info, wedding date, and venue. Double-check everything for accuracy - you don't want any typos or mix-ups. 

Next, list all the agreed-upon floral arrangements (are there any specific flowers? Be sure to write them down), quantities, additional services, and prices. If there are any special instructions for delivery or setup, include those too. In case of a natural disaster, do you reserve the right to provide reasonable substitutions like flowers of equivalent value or alternative arrangements for your client? 

It is important to be transparent with your deliverables so that your clients know what they are getting. Also, make sure the payment schedule and cancellation terms are crystal clear. 

Reviewing and Signing the Contract

Before you hit "print" (or "send" if you opt for a downloadable PDF format) on that contract, give it a final once-over with your clients. Walk them through each section and encourage them to ask questions. As with other legal documents, you want everyone to be on the same page (literally.) before signing on the dotted line.

Once you've got the green light, it's time to make it official. Sign and date the contract, and have your clients do the same. Congrats - you've got a legally binding agreement.

Storing and Sharing the Signed Contract

Don't just stuff that signed contract in a drawer and forget about it. You'll want to keep it safe and accessible, both for your records and your clients'. It is important to store a copy digitally and keep the original in a secure file. Having it in PDF document file format and stored in Google Drive is the best way since its ease of use provides quick access to the contract and accessibility from a mobile device. You can also send a copy directly to your clients via their email address.

Additionally, If you're working with a wedding planner or venue coordinator, it's a good idea to share the signed copy of the contract with them too. That way, everyone's looped in on the details and expectations.

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Tips for Effective Communication and Collaboration with Your Client

Establishing Clear Expectations

When it comes to working with your client, clear communication is key. Before you even sign a contract, sit down and have a frank discussion about their vision, budget, and expectations. Share your ideas, color swatches, and any must-have flowers or styles. At the same time, be open to your client's suggestions and ideas. Bring their dream wedding to life.

Providing Detailed Information

The more info your client can give, the better: guest count, venue name and layout, wedding timeline - the works. If there are any potential challenges or limitations (like a tight setup window or a venue with strict rules), knowing them upfront will make your job a lot easier. You want to create stunning arrangements that perfectly suit your clients' big day. But they can only do that if they have all the necessary details and context.

Maintaining Open Lines of Communication

Don't be a stranger in the months leading up to your clients' wedding. Schedule regular check-ins to touch base, make decisions, and address any questions or concerns. Your clients will also appreciate it if you are responsive and proactive in their communication. It helps keep everyone on the same page and ensures a smooth, stress-free wedding day for them.

Addressing Changes and Updates Promptly

The wedding planning process is full of twists and turns. Guest counts fluctuate, color schemes evolve, and sometimes even the venue changes. If and when these updates happen, it is important that you know ASAP. The sooner any changes are communicated, the easier it is for you to adapt and adjust. Last-minute surprises can throw a wrench in even the best-laid plans, so make sure to get in touch regularly with your client or their wedding planner to be up to date.


Key Takeaway:  

A wedding florist contract template saves time and prevents headaches by covering essential details like services, payment terms, and cancellation policies. Customize it to fit your needs for a professional touch that sets clear expectations with clients.



A printable wedding florist contract template is your secret weapon for a stress-free floral design business experience. It's like a fragrant bouquet of peace of mind, ensuring that you and your client are perfectly in sync. With every detail clearly outlined, from the bridal bouquet color scheme to the delivery timeline, you can rest easy knowing that you and your clients are in clear agreement about the services that will be provided.


*Rob Schenk is the editor of and is one of the country’s most prominent “Wedding Lawyers,” a special designation for lawyers representing wedding and event businesses. He recently launched, an online source of wedding florist contract templates for wedding professionals.

As an author, Rob’s expertise has been featured in Time Magazine, PetaPixel, Huffington Post Weddings, The Knot, Wedding Market Chat, Above the Law, and Mobile Beat. He regularly speaks at wedding industry conventions nationwide on various legal topics, including the Wedding MBA, Mobile Beats Las Vegas, WPPI, and the Wedding Market Expo. Rob is licensed to practice law in Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, California, and New York.

Rob has contributed to this post in the "Essential Elements" section.

Tags: Contracts, florists, wedding

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