Streamline Events with Venue Management Software 2024

By Jason McIntosh

Event professionals know how crucial it is to have reliable event venue software. Back in the day, event organizers used to juggle spreadsheets, emails, and several software platforms just to be able to do their jobs. It's a nightmare.

A venue management platform has it all: online payments, venue management tools, and more, all in a single platform. It's a cloud-based solution that lets you manage your event space on the go, from any mobile device. 

Cloud-based event management solutions are the future.

Table of Contents:

List of Top Event Venue Management Software

Here is a list of the best venue management software available online. These web-based tools are perfect for event operations of venues of all sizes.



Curate is an advanced CRM that is specifically equipped with features needed to automate and streamline your business. It features a centralized client database, a custom proposal builder with e-signature capabilities, project management tools, reporting & analytics, among others.

Unlike any software, Curate is a platform that is specifically designed for event venue operators. It is a very easy-to-use CRM that provides all the tools you need in the event venue industry and more importantly, makes your business a lot easier to manage.

Another item that makes Curate unique is that event professionals who have rentals and design arms of their business can also take advantage of features to make these areas efficient as well.

Curate is the only tool that has integrations for both Nowsta and Galley.

Top Features

  • ​Pipeline management
  • Customized proposals
  • Event Calendar
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Integration


Planning Pod

Planning Pod

Planning Pod is a cloud-based software that offers a suite of tools for event businesses, including a robust CRM system. With Planning Pod, you have access to essential features that let you manage clients and files, and process payments in this all-in-one business software.

What sets Planning Pod apart is its user-friendly interface that works well even on mobile devices and extensive customization options. You can tailor the software to fit your unique workflows and branding.

Top Features

  • ​Guest management
  • File management
  • Event timelines
  • Payment processing



Perfect Venue

Perfect Venue

Perfect Venue is an event management software that boasts essential features such as task automation, booking calendar, and mobile access. This software also has an integration feature which is important for venue owners using multiple tools in their business.

Overall, Perfect Venue is an example of an exceptional management software that raises the bar for managing events and venues.

Top Features

  • Automation
  • Booking Calendar
  • Real-time analytics
  • Integration



Event Temple

Event Temple

Event Temple is a software management system designed for hotel owners and event planners. It is equipped with various tools that include event management, sales pipeline CRM, online invoicing, and group sales management, among others.

Aside from having an impressive array of features, Event Temple has won the Best Event Management Software award from HotelTechAwards for three consecutive years.

Top Features

  • Sales pipeline CRM
  • Event management
  • Online invoicing
  • Hotel Group Sales



Function Tracker

Function Tracker

Function Tracker is a reliable venue management software platform that promises operational efficiency for any business. It is perfect for restaurants, hotels, and schools. Function Tracker has several notable features that are standard for event software platforms: custom contracts, management tools, booking calendar, event registration feature, and more!

Top Features

  • Booking calendar
  • Event manager
  • Invoicing feature
  • Report generator


Essential Features to Look for in Event Venue Management Software

When you're shopping for a cloud-based venue management system, there are a lot of options out there and it can be overwhelming trying to compare all the features. Here are some key features to consider:

Woman working on a laptopPhoto credit: Corinne Kutz

Customer Relationship Management Features

Having a central storage of all your clients' names, contact information, and other pertinent details is an essential feature of event management software solutions. It also tracks the sales pipeline of prospective clients.

Real-Time Booking and Availability

This is a must-have for venue bookings. You need a system that shows real time availability for your event spaces. No more double bookings or scheduling snafus.

Customizable Event Packages

Every event is unique. Your software should let you create custom packages for food services and rentals. Flexibility is key.

Integrated Payment Processing

Event bookings are only half the battle. You need a seamless way to collect payments and deposits. Integrated payment processing makes it a breeze.

Reporting and Analytics

Data is power. Look for a management tool with robust reporting features. Track your KPIs, identify trends, and make informed decisions.

Mobile Accessibility

In today's fast-paced world, mobile accessibility is non-negotiable. You need to be able to manage events using a cloud-based platform from your smartphone or tablet. The right event management software will have all these features and more. It's an investment in your venue's success.

How Event Venue Management Software Streamlines Operations and Boosts Profits

An event venue management software can transform a business. It's not just about staying organized. It's about boosting your bottom line.

john-schnobrich-FlPc9_VocJ4-unsplashPhoto credit: John Schnobrich

Automating Manual Processes

Think about all the time you spend on manual tasks. Entering data, sending emails, creating reports. It adds up. With the right management software, event managers can automate those processes. Save hours of time for more important things, like event planning and group sales.

Centralized Data Management

No more scattered spreadsheets and files. With event venue management software, all your data is in one central hub. You can access event details, client info, and financial reports with a few clicks. It's a game-changer for venue operations with multiple staff members.

Optimizing Space Utilization

Your event space is your most valuable asset. But are you using it to its full potential? Event management solutions help you optimize your space utilization. You can track which spaces are most popular, identify slow periods, and adjust your pricing accordingly.

Enhancing Client Communication

Great communication is the key to happy clients. But it can be a challenge when you're juggling multiple events and venues. Venue management software will streamline communication. You can send automated emails, share files, and collaborate with clients in real time.

Driving Repeat Business

Repeat business is the lifeblood of any successful venue. But how do you keep clients coming back? It starts with exceptional service. And that's where event venue management software comes in. By streamlining your operations and enhancing communication, you can deliver a top-notch experience every time. That's how you turn one-time clients into lifelong fans.

Implementing Event Venue Management Software: Best Practices and Tips

Defining Your Requirements

Before you even start looking at different event venue management software options, it's crucial to define your specific requirements. What are your pain points? What processes do you want to streamline? What features are non-negotiable for your venue?  

Taking the time to understand your needs can make all the difference in choosing the right software. It's not just about finding the shiniest, most feature-packed solution - it's about finding the one that actually solves your unique challenges. 

Start by making a list of your must-have features. Do you need a robust booking calendar? Integrated payment processing? Detailed reporting? Mobile app? Prioritize your list based on what's most important to your venue operations. 

It's also a good idea to involve your entire team in this process. Ask your sales manager, your event coordinator, and your head chef - what tools would make their lives easier? What are their biggest frustrations with your current systems? Getting buy-in from your team early on can make the implementation process much smoother.

Evaluating Vendors

Once you have a clear idea of your requirements, it's time to start evaluating vendors. It can be a difficult task, but there are a few important details to remember:   

  1. Availability of features you need
  2. User-friendly interface
  3. Training resources and customer support
  4. Contract terms and pricing
  5. Integrations with other tools

Do not hesitate to ask for a free trial. Getting hands-on experience can give you a much better sense of how the platform works and whether it's a good fit for your team.

It's important to carefully review the pricing and make sure you're getting the best value for your money. When it comes to pricing, most venue management software options offer different tiers based on the size of your venue and the features you need. Some charge a flat monthly fee, while others charge per user or event.

Additionally, it is also recommended to reach out to other venue managers in your network to see what event management platform they use and what their experience has been. Chances are, someone has faced similar challenges and can offer valuable insights.

At the end of the day, the right event venue management software for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. But by carefully comparing features, pricing, and reviews from other users, you can find a solution that will help you streamline your operations, save time, and deliver amazing events.

Training Your Team

Once you've chosen your event venue management software, it's time to train your team members. This is a crucial step that can make or break the success of your implementation. Start by identifying key users who will be responsible for different aspects of the software - your sales managers, your event coordinator, your head chef, etc. 

Schedule dedicated training sessions with each user group to walk through the relevant features and workflows. Most software vendors offer training resources like webinars, video tutorials, and knowledge bases. Take advantage of these resources and encourage your team to do the same. 

The more comfortable they feel with the software, the more likely they are to adopt it into their daily workflows. It's also important to communicate the benefits of the new software to your team. Help them understand how it will make their jobs easier, save them time, and ultimately lead to better events for your clients.

Integrating with Existing Systems

Another key consideration when implementing event venue management software is how it will integrate with your existing systems. Will it play nicely with your accounting software? Your marketing tools? Your point-of-sale system? Most modern venue management platforms offer integrations with popular tools like QuickBooks, Salesforce, and Mailchimp. 

However, it's important to verify that the specific integrations you need are available and that they will work seamlessly with your existing workflows. If you're using custom or legacy systems, you may need to work with your IT team or the software vendor to develop custom integrations. This can add time and cost to your implementation, so it's important to factor it into your planning.

Measuring Success Metrics

Finally, it's important to establish clear success metrics for your event venue management software implementation. What does success look like for your venue? Increased bookings? Faster sales cycles? Higher customer satisfaction scores? 

Work with your team to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your business goals. Then, make sure you have the right tracking and reporting in place to measure those KPIs over time. Most venue management platforms offer built-in analytics and reporting features that can help you track things like lead volume, conversion rates, and revenue. But you may also need to pull in data from other systems like your financial software to get a full picture of your performance. 

Regularly review your success metrics with your team and use the insights to optimize your processes and workflows. By streamlining your operations, improving communication and collaboration, and delivering better events for your clients, you can take your venue to the next level. The key is to approach the process thoughtfully and strategically. 


Key Takeaway:  

Finding the right event venue management software can be daunting. Define your requirements, evaluate vendors carefully, train your team thoroughly, integrate with your existing systems, and measure your success over time. With the right planning and execution, your new venue management software can be a game-changer for your business.



From automating manual tasks to optimizing space utilization and enhancing client communication, venue management software is the secret weapon in your event planning arsenal. It's the sidekick you never knew you needed!

So, whether you're a seasoned event veteran or just starting out in event management operations, investing in event venue management software is a no-brainer. With the right tool by your side, you'll be unstoppable!

Tags: event management software, misc

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