
Outdated software hinders business

As we continue to see more clients come from Caterease to Curate, it's clear that there is a better way with a more modern platform. Dealing with an outdated solution hurts the bottom line.

We cover the top ways to overcome Caterease limitations:

It's time to move from Caterease, it's time for Curate.

Book A Curate Demo

Go beyond bland proposals

Caterease lacks the customization, engaging data views, and modern design thinking of what a catering organization needs for their proposals.

You need better, you need Curate. Not only does Curate provide the data you need to generate gorgeous proposals, it also allows you to provide visualizations and inspirations that get your clients to upsell. All the while, saving you time to create and package them with contracts and integrated payments.

Curate Proposal Builder Sample Page
Curate Device Cluster

Access your solution everywhere

Caterease software is to be installed per computer. This means no flexibility to access beyond your desktop. 

Curate is cloud based and allows you to access the software from any device, anywhere. As long as you have a browser installed, you can work with Curate.

PLUS, you can utilize the Curate app and access it directly on your mobile phone or tablet.

Save at least a day a week.

With the ability to create catering proposal templates, drag and drop image abilities, recipes & prints, Curate is the way to go. We've surveyed our customers, here is what they say about the time they've saved with Curate.

Curate Infographic 1-5


What would you do with a whole day back every week?

Add up the time saved on critical business areas with Curate and you get over 8 hours! That's a whole day back in your week. Use the time to capture more customers, improve your internal processes, or increase your communication with your existing customers...it's up to you! 

One link, complete information.

With Caterease you are forced to export PDF files to send to your clients. Any revision, new file & email. Any mistake made, new file & email. Any customer change, new file & email. Maddening, right?

With Curate you send one web link and you're done. The complete proposal, signable contract, integrated payments, and more are all there.

Any changes, revisions, mistakes are corrected on the admin side and the client just has to refresh.

No lost files, no pile of emails, just ONE link. Beautiful.

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Stonehouse Catering Logo

"Using Curate helps me focus on why I started my business, rather than trying to learn new software.”

Owner, Stonehouse Catering

Stacy K

"The efficiencies we’ve gained with Curate have been life-changing for us at Stacy K Floral!  

Owner, Stacy K Floral and Events

Curate Feature Demo

Simple, modern interface.

The Caterease user interface is lacking in several areas. It's hard to maneuver, built on archaic application components, and forces you to re-enter any web inquiries.

Curate has completely revamped their user interface and invested in the user experience. A simplified interface, easy to navigate, with everything at your fingertips.

Whitney Curate in Circle
Curate Whitney Fredin testimonial

Curate has beautiful proposals that wow clients from the start. We’ve reduced the time we spend on proposals by a thousand percent!

Client communication in one place.

Caterease forces you to leave the app for any communication with your clients. This can be a time waster as well as messy when it comes to finding the right email thread, social media message, or text.

With Curate, you don't even have to leave the app. Full back and forth conversations directly within your event. You can even directly email the client outside the app and that communication will be logged inside of the communication portal.

One less thing to worry about.

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Curate Recipe Sample

No category and tagging limitations.

Lacking the ability to do things your way is a major fault with Caterease. When it comes to categories, tags, and the way you organize your business you are stuck with a small number of forced options.

Why settle for software you can't customize for your own needs. Curate allows you unlimited categories, tags, and ways to filter everything. 

There's a better way.

Edit, delete & recreate data, no workarounds. 

Caterease users have to have work arounds so that they don't lose their work. In fact, some catering companies need a "DO NOT DELETE" section so they don't lose any critical client work.

This doesn't exist in Curate. Create any type of data you need without worry. Any items that need to be deleted will still be available and tied to proposals past or in process. You won't lose anything.

Curate add a custmer demo 2
Curate Payment Sample Page

Easy payment integrations.

Caterease has limited integrations as is. Their utilization of H Pay causes a lot of customer frustration.

Curate integrates with a global industry standard, Stripe, as well as it's own payment system. Plus we are continually adding new catering specific integrations like Nowsta and Galley.

Curate will be your migration partner

Changing business critical software is a big move. We understand. However, you aren't tied to Caterease for life. There is a way to move beyond it to something better. We've moved plenty of customers over and can do the same for you no matter the size of your company. 

We promise to:

- Work with you to migrate your data over from Caterease.
- Provide resources to give you undivided attention and support.
- Help lower the ramp up knowledge to become proficient in Curate.

Are you ready? Let's go!

See Why Curate is the Best Catering Software

Schedule a demo today to discover how Curate can transform your catering business.
