The Business of Events

New Features in June

Written by Ryan ONeil | Jun 14, 2017 4:30:51 PM

New Startup (Formerly Events) Features  

Tax upgrade
We've updated the way to add your tax rate(s) to your proposals so they are not listed in a pop-up anymore. Be sure to double check your templates are set up correctly with your tax rates because your templates work exactly as you have them set!
Hide the price
You can now hide the prices of your entire proposal. In your proposal settings, mark that you'd like to hide the prices. Only the quantity will show on the client's version. This is great for those florists who feel they want their clients looking at the entire event. 
Item Photos
Many florists shared with us that they would love the option for their item photos to automatically show in the recipe sheet. We now have two options in your recipe sheet. If you want your inspiration photos, just click "recipe photos." If you want the individual flowers, just checkbox the "item photos."
Negative Item Amounts
Have you ever wanted to give a discount on an arrangement? You can now add items as normal and override the cost to be a negative amount equal to the discount.

Discount and Delivery Upgrade We've updated the way to add your discounts and deliveries. Instead of adding the delivery and discounts in your proposal profile, you can add them as line items. All of your current deliveries and discounts will now be added as line items. 

This is a BIG change in the way you use Curate. Watch this quick video walk-through to make sure you know how to make the most of the update.



New Studio Features  

And now, drumroll! This is the feature that makes Curate the most amazing florist software available and it's ONLY available in Curate... 

Curate Forms!!! Long gone are the days of copying and pasting information from Google Forms. You can now have potential clients fill out a form and have it automatically imported into Curate waiting for you to create a new event! When a client fills out a form, you will get a notification that the form has been filled out so you can get started on creating your proposal.

Curate forms is HUGE because it completes the entire customer lifecycle. From the time the customer first fills out until you're mark on the checklist that you've picked up everything from the event, it's ALL in Curate. The inquiry, the proposal, the signed contract, the payments. Every stem, vase, and fee. This feature is what Curate is all about! 


Did you know that you can also send your orders to Mayesh and other wholesale providers with Curate? Sign up now to save yourself from the headache of wholesale floral orders.