Honeybook vs Curate Software Review

By Ryan ONeil

Honeybook Proposal Software Vs. Curate Proposal Software

Honeybook is a proposal software created for creative professionals to simplify their administration. Curate is a proposal software that specifically focuses on event professionals in running their weddings and events and helping them price what they're worth. We love what Honeybook is building and definitely think that it has made a huge impact for vendors in the wedding community.

So what’s the difference between Honeybook proposal software and Curate proposal software? They have several features that are similar such as payment processing, proposal creation, event pipelines, and direct edit. Honeybook and Curate are more like complimentary products with some overlap than competitors. Honeybook has many features that need to be done on the admin side (i.e. communications, automated followup, etc). Curate is an event professional software platform that allows wedding and event professionals to accomplish the things they're already doing a lot easier and in less time (i.e. stem counting, wholesaler ordering, etc). Here’s what you should keep in mind if you’re choosing between Curate and Honeybook, or planning to switch from one service to the other. 

  1. Which is made for event professionals?
    With Curate, florists have access to a floral library and are able to attach recipes to every every proposal item, and caterers can add their recipes in the software and manage costs. Curate also allows event professionals to copy a description of their recipes into their proposal items and generates shopping lists and recipe sheets for their teams to execute. Curate Rentals allows event professionals to manage their rental inventory. Honeybook allows its users to manually enter names into an item's description. 

    Winner: Curate

  2. Which allows photos?
    Honeybook allows a photo on each item along with a header photo and logo. Curate Proposals allows multiple photos on every line items as well as a header photo and logo. Event Professionals, like florists, caterers, and rental companies, are also able to add photos of flowers, ingredients, and rental inventory with a single click.                                  Winner: Curate
  3. What kind of payment tools does each proposal software have?
    Both software allow clients to pay directly from the proposal. Honeybook has some neat features like allowing clients to auto-pay on the date the payment is due and allows for adding tips to the proposal.

    Winner: Honeybook

  4. How do clients access their proposals?
    With Curate, event professionals are able to email the private proposal link to their clients or generate a PDF. Honeybook also allows this and recently removed the requirement for clients to create an account.

    Winner: Tie

  5. Quickbooks Integration
    Both Curate and Honeybook have API integrations with Quickbooks Online. 

    Winner: Tie

  6. Vendor Collaboration
    Honeybook does tremendous at vendor collaboration and allows events and comments to be shared between vendors. Curate allows venues and wedding coordinators to be tagged in the proposal.

    Winner: Honeybook

  7. Event Execution
    Curate allows florists and caterers to have their wholesaler list automatically generated and recipe sheets ready to roll. Many florists and caterers use the shopping list as their checklist as well. Event professionals can also combine multiple shopping lists into one wholesaler order form. Honeybook allows event professionals to have access to their event details. 

    Winner: Curate

We hope this Q & A helps. As a side note, we personally focus on building Curate and are giving these differences based on the best information we have available from users who have elaborated the differences. If we can update anything on here to make it more accurate, please comment below!

Interested in learning more about how Curate can help you streamline your business?

Learn More

Tags: business, Small Business Sally, Curate, Corporate Cate, Established Ed

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Full Transcript Below

Ryan O'Neil: [00:00:00] Hey, everybody. Welcome to the next episode of the event driven podcast. It's a podcast delivered to event professionals who want to master different metrics that matter in their business. And we want to bring real world stories from professionals like florist and caters and industry experts.

Topics: business, Small Business Sally, Curate, Corporate Cate, Established Ed


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