5 Best Event Industry Productivity Tips

By Meghan Ely // OFD Consulting

Maintaining a high level of productivity in the events industry is a challenge. We are subject to periods of total frenzy as well as occasional scary lulls. Take control of the ebbs and flows of your business and turn this year into a productive one. Here, some our expert colleagues have offered their best event industry productivity tips.

Make a Daily Plan

Shannon Tarrant, Founder of Wedding Venue Map suggests reviewing all of your to-dos daily and identifying the most critical as you plan your time. “At the end of each day, I make a list of the 3 things that I have to accomplish the next day. Of course, my to-do list is much longer than three items. I make sure there is time blocked in my schedule to accomplish those important tasks first.”

Kevin Dennis of WeddingIQ  noticed his days getting away from him, which led to feeling more distracted, so he made new goals for the coming year. “I want to focus on time mapping my days this year. I also will be focusing more on having scheduled weekly meetings with my staff and not letting us skip them. They are just as big a priority as our clients and help us stay on track and hold each other accountable.” 

Tame the Social Media Monster

A common concern is that engaging in social media can be a major time drain. “As a publisher, says Brittny Drye of Love Inc, “it’s become so key in how content is viewed in today’s world, and I’m constantly struggling with finding that perfect amount of time to spend on it.” Drye looks to online productivity tools to help manage her time on social media wisely. “I started using Dash Hudson a few months ago to plan out my social media… I want to take a deep dive in my analytics and really get a better handle at what’s working and what’s not working with my audience, and adjust accordingly.”

Prevent Email from Taking Over

Amy Abbott of Amy Abbott Events recommends incorporating more online collaborative experiences to help avoid the constant back-and-forth of email communication. “Clients are so inundated with emails every day that they are asking for the use of more shared documents where you can edit, leave comments, share checklists and keep up to date in real-time.” GoogleDocs, DropBox and other shared document tools can be lifesavers when direct collaboration is desired.

Be Consistent, Even in Busy Season

It’s so tempting during peak months to put off today what you feel can be done tomorrow, but Emily Sullivan of Emily Sullivan Events strongly cautions against it as a practice.  “Don’t let the busy season get the best of you. Still take a day to work “on” your business and take care of necessary things and make adjustments. It’s not fun to catch up when you’ve let things go for a couple of months.”

Reflect Annually

In business, you get the best results when you monitor your progress, challenges and opportunities regularly, no matter how little time you have. Many companies set aside time just for this purpose, which is an effective approach. “I believe in doing a business yearly audit,” says Ashley Stork, Owner & Planning Expert. “There are things that need to be evaluated on a yearly basis in your business, clean up type of tasks that need to be tended to, goal setting and mapping out the year. I personally like doing a work retreat by myself to do this.”

There are many ways you can increase your productivity this year. Follow one or more of the above expert tips and you’ll find your business is more efficient and more successful, not just in the coming year, but long into the future. 


originally shared by AllSeated

Meghan Ely is the owner of wedding PR and wedding marketing firm OFD Consulting. Ely is a sought-after speaker, adjunct professor in the field of public relations, and a self-professed royal wedding enthusiast.


Tags: Small Business Sally, Established Ed, catering, florists

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